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Furniture leasing, in detail

With equipment leasing, finance all your professional equipment (transport equipment, IT and medical equipment, public works and handling machinery, machine tools, etc.), without personal contribution and without having to advance VAT to be paid.

Leasing allows you to dispose of your equipment in the form of a rental contract with a purchase option at the end of the contract. At the end of the contract, you can buy back the equipment for a price fixed at the time of signing, extend the contract, or return the equipment to the lessor.

Very flexible, leasing rents can have different periodicities (monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual, or even seasonal to adapt to your activity)

Definition: what is furniture leasing?

Professional furniture leasing is a type of financing offered by a banking institution that will buy your professional equipment and rent these goods to you with or without a purchase option.

There can be many questions: duration of financing, rental, purchase option, … LEGITIME FINANCE briefly presents the basics of equipment leasing, a financing solution accessible to professionals and businesses alike. In particular, it answers two main questions, namely: what is a leasing for the purchase of professional equipment? And how does it work ?

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The pros and cons of leasing

100% financing including tax, deductibility of rents, increased first rent, administrative support, etc. Equipment leasing financing has many advantages. What are the disadvantages of leasing?

  • The amount invested in leasing may be greater than the amount of a bank loan because the banking establishment is remunerated on the margin made on the rental rent.
  • The choice of material is limited. There is a possibility of rejection of certain obsolete or unsaleable goods at the end of the contract.

How to choose between credit and leasing for your furniture?

Credit and leasing are two complementary financing solutions, their characteristics, but above all their respective advantages are different.

Choosing between these two solutions will depend on the investment you wish to finance and the objectives you wish to achieve in terms of duration, contribution, flexibility, balance sheet presentation or deductibility.